Profit Centers

#1 Profit Centers


The table enables the user to define the structure, also on different levels, and the features of profit centers.  

The general section defines the profit centers according to the active company: with red colour there are the profit centers, that are not valorized in accounting, in bold there are the profit centers, that can be used in production

Profit CenterP.C. alphanumeric code
Description P.C. description
Second DescriptionP.C. second description
Flag MRPThe flag enables the user to use the profit center in production module
Valorizable Flag When this flag is set, the profit center can be valorized with accounting movements. It is necessary to cut the flag from structure levels, that the user does not want to valorize, and put it on the lower level.
Profit Center TypeIt is a command, that defines if profit center is direct or indirect
Responsibility CenterIt is a command that is necessary in order to link the profit center to its relative responsibility center
Start DateIt defines the P.C. start date
End DateIt defines the P.C. end date

RIBBON BAR: the ribbon bar represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to operate on previous recordings or generate new ones. The possible features list is the following:

Search Next P.C.Button to look for the following P.C. in respect to the one where the user is located
Search Previous P.C.Button to look for the previous P.C. in respect to the one where the user is located
New P.C.Button to insert a new profit center
New P.C. Link Button to insert a link/level of the P.C., where the user is located
Delete P.C.Link Button to delete the link/level of P.C.
Expand P.C.Button to implode the P.C. structure into more levels
Collapse P.C.Button to collapse the C.C. structure into more levels
Decrease Tabulation Button to decrease the tabulation in terms of visualization
Increase TabulationButton to increase the tabulation in terms of visualization
PreviewButton to perform the C.C. preview, where the user is located
PrintButton to launch the print

BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013

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